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De Castellane partner of Young talents of Champagne

"Lauched this 21 March, the third edition of the young talents of Champagne will gather producers applications "aged less than 50, owner since less than 15 years, making and ageing their own-champagne, bottling it in their cellar and selling it themselves". Distinguishing four categories (chardonnay, pinot, rosé, blended), this competition tasting is based on a jury headed by Chef-sommelier Philippe Jamesse (Domaine des Crayères, Reims), the entrepreneur Goeffrey Orban (Educavin), the writer Catherine Coutant ("Chefs de caves de la champagne"), Franck Wolfert (ateliers de découverte) the oenologist Marie-Anne Louvet (les Secrets du vin) and the animator Gérard Baud (Baud et Millet).

Selected the 22nd of  may, the winner of the 12 finalists will be chosen on the 17th of october, at De Castellane champagne House (Epernay) who host the competition since its creation in 2011. by the Marne Tourism Office and Dites-Nous-Tout Production. The event contributes to an outstanding visibily (thanks to the videos realised for each finalist) highlighting "young vintners, through their passions and know-how".