To find out more, we suggest you read the pan-European programme to promote moderate wine consumption.
Legal information
The web site that you are browsing is the property of: Champagne de Castellane. The publisher is Olivier Kanengieser.
Web hosting by: HEXANET - ZAC Les Charmilles - 3 allée Thierry Sabine - BP 202 - 51686 Reims Cedex 2.
Web design by: VINIUM - 3, rue des Corton - 21420 Aloxe-Corton
Copyright: ©champagnedecastellane.
Photographs: Serge Chapuis
Personal information
In accordance with the Data Protection Act No. 78-17 and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data, known as "GDPR" No.2016/679, the Laurent-Perrier Group has initiated a conformity procedure to bring the collection processing of personal data. As part of its business, the Laurent-Perrier Group collects and processes data from its partners and employees. At this stage, we continue to implement all the necessary means to consolidate pre-existing procedures concerning:
- The strict collection in the perimeter of our activity and legal obligations
- The security and integrity of the data entrusted
- The devices necessary to formalize your consent, and the compliance of treatment, circulation and conservation of your data
- The integration of the prerequisites of the regulation into the internal procedures and digital tools involved in the collection and processing of these data.
For further information regarding the processing of these data or to assert your rights under this regulation, you can send your request to:
Our commitment to protecting personal data
As part of its activities, the Laurent-Perrier Group attaches particular importance to protecting your personal data.
Respect for your privacy
• We respect your privacy and your choices regarding data protection.
• We do not share or sell your personal data to third parties.
• We undertake never to use your personal data in a way that has not been previously brought to your attention.
Your rights and our commitment
• We respect your rights regarding your personal data and we strive to respond to your requests as quickly as possible, while taking into account our legal and operational obligations.
• If you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal data, we invite you to contact us at the following address:
Access and data management
• Access to your personal data is strictly limited to authorized employees of the relevant departments of the Laurent-Perrier Group.
• Your data is stored exclusively in France, in accordance with our commitments regarding data security and sovereignty.
Data retention period
• Your personal data is retained only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.
• It may also be retained to meet our legal or regulatory obligations.
The Laurent-Perrier Group undertakes to implement all technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the confidentiality, security and integrity of your personal data."
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Copyright ©Champagne de Castellane. All rights reserved.
I. What is a whistleblower ?
A whistleblower is a natural person who reveals, reports or discloses,
without direct financial consideration and in good faith, information
relating to a crime, an offence, a threat or harm to the general
interest. It may also be a violation (or an attempt to conceal this
violation) of an international commitment by France. When the
information has not been obtained in the context of professional
activities, the whistleblower must have had personal knowledge of it.
II. Who can issue an alert ?
All collaborators of Laurent-Perrier Group
- Staff
- Suppliers
- Subcontractors and co-contractors
- Any external or occasional collaborator
- Shareholders
- Member of the administrative, management and supervisory board
III. What facts can be reported ?
The whistleblowing system makes it possible to report any shortcomings that would constitute:
- Of a crime
- Of an offense
- A violation, or attempted concealment of a violation, of an
international commitment ratified or approved by France, of a unilateral
act of an international organization taken on the basis of such a
commitment, of the right of the European Union, the law and the
- A threat or harm to the general interest
Exclusion: Facts, information and documents resulting from national
defense secrets, or medical secrets in particular, are excluded from the
alert system.
IV. What protection for the whistleblower ?
- Guarantee of confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower
- Civil liability irresponsibility
- Criminal irresponsibility
- Protection against reprisals, in particular disciplinary measures
The protection is also extended to any natural or legal person who helps the whistleblower to make the report or disclosure.
I. How to issue an alert ?
The Laurent-Perrier Group provides whistleblowers with a dedicated email address
If the whistleblower does not have an electronic mailbox, he can send his alert by post to the following address:
« Confidentiel & Personnel »
Direction Juridique Laurent-Perrier
32 Avenue de Champagne
51150 Tours-sur-Marne
The whistleblower must describe objectively and as precisely as
possible, in particular on the date of the facts and the persons
concerned, the facts of which he wishes to alert the Laurent-Perrier
The breach reported must be serious and the alert issued in good faith and in the absence of any direct financial compensation.
II. How and by whom my alert is processed ?
- Acknowledgment of receipt
Once declared, the alert is received by the internal referents of the
Laurent-Perrier Group, namely the Legal Director and the Head of the
Human Resources Department designated to handle reports, who are
responsible for monitoring the procedure. Except in cases where the
report is anonymous, the internal referents will inform the
whistleblower in writing of the good reception of his report (7 working
days from receipt of the report) and of the time required to examine his
admissibility (about 2 to 3 months).
- Alert processing
The internal referents of the Laurent-Perrier Group examine the facts reported by the alert.
They may request any additional information from the author of the
report. If necessary, they only inform the stakeholders whose
involvement is absolutely necessary for the processing of the alert. The
whistleblower will then be informed of the follow-up that will be given
to his alert, or of the closure of the file.
III. What guarantees for the whistleblower ?
- Confidential treatment of the alert
- Archiving of data relating to the report once the file has been processed and finalized
- No criminal liability, only if he has acted disinterestedly and in
good faith regarding the facts of which he has personal knowledge and
which he has reported in accordance with the reporting procedure.
- No sanction, no dismissal, no direct or indirect discriminatory measure